Definition of induced abortion pdf

Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Definition induced abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy before the fetus can live independently. A guide for journalists, editors and media outlets further reading. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it. Often, induced abortion is resorted to as a means for contraception. Induced abortion has not been associated with an increased subsequent risk of ectopic pregnancy, infertility, placenta praevia or miscarriage royal college of obstetricians and gynaecologists, 2011. Induced termination of pregnancy itop reporting system. Sir stanley clayton and john newton in their booklet. This linkage to technical guidelines is crucial for its correct interpretation. Induced abortion in its definition is the act of terminating a pregnancy by an external and.

Because of this distinction made by the average layperson, care should be exercised in the use of the word abortion when speaking of a. This survey interviews local experts from diverse backgrounds to elicit information on the circumstances surrounding abortion and abortionrelated morbidity in a country. Respecting a clients right to confidentiality absolute respect for the patients right to privacy, discretion. In general, where abortion laws are highly restrictive, abortion is unsafe. The alternative is surgical abortion, which ends a pregnancy by emptying the uterus or womb with special instruments. Pdf background induced abortion accounts for 1 in 8 of approximately 600000 maternal deaths that occur annually worldwide. Abortion, induced article about abortion, induced by the. These forms can be seen in appendix a on pages 239241. The world health organization defines unsafe abortion as a.

In this instance, the mothers body expels the developing fetus before the baby is able to live outside the womb. Psychological differences unlike the pain of spontaneous abortion miscarriage which tends to lessen over time, the pain of abortion may worsen in the months and years following the procedure 12. Confidentiality the report of induced termination of pregnancy is designed to collect. Induced abortion definition of induced abortion at. Reflecting a variety of religious, social, and political forces, laws and regulations permitting or restricting abortion have been enacted throughout the centuries, and induced abortion has been a. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

The miscarriage of three or more consecutive pregnancies is termed. Definition a medical abortion is one that is brought about by taking medications that will end a pregnancy. Reasons and meanings attributed by women who experienced. Induced abortion for social reasons is spreading all over the world. The world abortion rate is about 28 abortions a year for every 1,000 women of reproductive age. Abortion, induced definition induced abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy before the fetus can live independently. Mar 01, 2014 whos definition of unsafe abortion was conceptualized within the framework of emerging guidelines on the management of the complications of induced abortion and was intended to be interpreted within that context. Abortion is still used in many countries as a means of family. Apr 22, 2015 induced abortion it is also called as self induced miscarriage.

An abortion may be elective based on a womans personal choice or therapeutic to preserve the health or save the life of a pregnant woman. Whos definition of unsafe abortion was conceptualized within the framework of emerging guidelines on the management of the complications of induced abortion and was intended to be interpreted within that context. Safe and unsafe induced abortion world health organization. Duishenbieva induced abortion as a means of fertility control has a long history in the republics of the former soviet union. In order to accurately reflect fetal losses intrauterine deaths in the absence of induced abortion, our definition of fetal losses excluded those that occur prior to implantation and included all of those that might. In a few states, however, these reports are filed with the local registrar who then forwards them to the state registrar. Midtrimester abortion constitutes 1015% of all induced abortion. Expert meeting on the definition and measurement of unsafe.

Handbook on the reporting of induced termination of pregnancy. The term abortion is more commonly used as a synonym for induced abortion, the deliberate interruption of pregnancy, as opposed to miscarriage, which connotes a spontaneous or natural loss of the fetus. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently induced miscarriage. Induced abortion definition of induced abortion by. By definition, an abortion involves the expulsion of the human fetus. Induced abortion is defined by the figo ethics committee as the termination of pregnancy using drugs or surgical intervention after implantation and before the. There are a number of reasons why induced abortion can lead to more severe.

Abortion means the termination of human pregnancy with an intention other than to produce a live birth or to remove a dead fetus. An abortion may occur spontaneously, in which case it is also called a miscarriage, or it may be brought on purposefully, in which case it is often called an induced abortion. The term abortion is more commonly used as a synonym for induced abortion, the deliberate. If a fetal death, a report of fetal death might not be required see below. Abortion, induced definition of abortion, induced by. Induced abortion was first legalized in the soviet union in 1920 but was banned in 1936 as part of a pronatalist policy emphasizing population. Medical abortion care encompasses the management of various clinical conditions including spontaneous and induced abortion both viable and nonviable pregnancies, incomplete abortion and intrauterine fetal demise, as well as postabortion contraception. A pocket obstetrics 2 define abortion as the expulsion of the conceptus before the 28 th week of pregnancy. Abortion law laws fall along a continuum from outright prohibition to allowing abortion without restriction as to reason. Another kind of a spontaneous abortion involves a miscarriage. Information and translations of induced abortion in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Of the latter, a large number relate to studies of the legislation, either in a particular country or region or even more comprehensive in scope. Most induced abortions are done in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Consequently, pediatricians should be familiar with the shortterm and longterm risks of induced abortion and also be able to compassionately discuss these risks with adolescents and involved family members. Either of two medications, mifepristone or methotrexate, can be used for medical abortion. It can be induced see definitions, terminology, and reference resources through a pharmacological or a surgical procedure, or it may be spontaneous also called miscarriage. Induced abortion it is also called as selfinduced miscarriage. The abortion operation consists either of removing the fetal embryo and scraping the uterine walls with a special obstetric spoon or scraper, or of using suction by means of devices that. Incomplete abortion infection hemorrhage damage to the uterus death 6. Anthropologists have found evidence of induced abortions in every known culture. Induced abortion definition of induced abortion by medical. Abortion definition is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Induced abortion is an abortion performed by the pregnant women herself outside the recognized medical system. Induced abortion is the interruption of pregnancy as a direct result of action affecting the fetus or the organism of the pregnant woman. Facts on induced abortion worldwide fact sheet 11 january 2012. Definitions of abortion vary across and within countries as well as among different institutions. An abortion may occur spontaneously termed a miscarriage or may be medically induced the miscarriage of three or more consecutive pregnancies is termed habitual.

The unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion. Criminal abortion is the unlawful expulsion of the fetus by artificial means. As of 2017, 42% of women of reproductive age live in the 125 countries where abortion is highly restricted prohibited altogether, or allowed only to save a womans life or protect her health. The term abortion is more commonly used as a synonym for induced abortion, the deliberate interruption of pregnancy. It is estimated that globally 50 million unborn babies are killed annually, resulting in the deaths of 200,000 pregnant women and the suffering of millions. Induced abortion human reproduction oxford academic. An abortion may occur spontaneously termed a miscarriage or may be medically induced. Abortion is the expulsion of the conceptus before 28 completed weeks of gestation, or a fetus weighing less than 500g. The number of abortions per 1,000 women aged 1544 years. The report of induced abortionform also asked a series of questions aimed at obtaining medical information. It is a felony when any person advises, assists in or performs an abortion. Handbook on the reporting of induced termination of pregnancy reprinted from 1988, includes revised instructions. Induced abortion definition of induced abortion by the.

Medical abortion care encompasses the management of various clinical conditions including spontaneous and induced abortion both viable and nonviable pregnancies, incomplete abortion and intrauterine fetal demise, as well as post abortion contraception. An abortion refers to the termination of a pregnancy. Induced termination of pregnancy itop abortion is defined in 390. There are no data to suggest that medical abortion differs from surgical abortion. The incidence of induced abortion in malawi article pdf available in international perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 392. In the medical sense, this term and the term miscarriage both refer to the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of survival outside the uterus.

Reflecting a variety of religious, social, and political forces, laws and regulations permitting or restricting abortion have been enacted throughout the centuries, and induced. Induced abortion, the intentional termination of pregnancy, is among the most common of gynecological procedures. Abortion definition of abortion by medical dictionary. Induced abortion in the united states fact sheet no. In medicine, an abortion is a loss of pregnancy due to the premature exit of the products of conception the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta from the uterus due to any cause. In 2008, there were about 4 million induced abortions in europe. Generally, the report of induced termination of pregnancy is bled directly with the state registrar. Induced abortion is the most common surgical procedure performed on females of childbearing age, including adolescent women. Induced termination of pregnancy itop reporting system guide. Bolton, in which the court defined health very broadly. This survey interviews local experts from diverse backgrounds to elicit information on the circumstances surrounding abortion and abortion related morbidity in a country. As opposed to a spontaneous abortion a miscarriage.

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